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About Us

Bob Perman established Perman & Associates, a dedicated Commercial Leasing and Sales organisation in 2002. With over 35 years of experience in the Commercial Agency sector including: Property Management, Commercial, Industrial & Retail Sales, Leasing, Auctioneering and Advisory Services, Bob is respected as one of the more experienced Commercial agents in Western Australia. As Commercial Agency Director and Equity Partner at Chesterton International over a 20 year term Bob established a quality client base which he retains today.


The company philosophy is relatively straight-forward - we put the client's interests first, and we strive to maximize results. Knowledge is power and the ability to apply that knowledge and consistently negotiate successful results for our clients is reflected by ongoing client loyalties and the many referrals we receive.


Apart from superior negotiation skills and an honest and ethical approach to doing business, maintaining close relationships with a broad range of property owners, both private and institutional and retaining close relationships with fellow agents, valuers and tenant advocates has created a resource that enables Bob to produce first class results.


Robert Perman


If you need Commercial property advice contact Bob on 0413 754 755 - the first hours consultancy is free and without obligation.

© 2015 BP Properties Pty Ltd. ABN 98 102 146 832. Trading as Perman & Associates



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